17.-18. 08.2024 BaltRetCamp24 Kauksi, Eesti
Cheramigold Russel - esimene páev ALG II Járk 4 koht 58 punkti, teine páev ALG I járk I koht 70 punkti.
Kohtunikud: Maarit Saarinen, María Kachalivo
Aitäh kenade fotode eest: Tatjana Zamorskaja
Cheramigold Russel WT algklassi I járk :)
03.09.23 What a day at retriever speciality show:)
Páike aka Cheramigold Fragile(Ramchaine You Spin Me Right Round +Zenevieva Queen's Command ) was BOB junior, BB3 Jun BIS 2
Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine(Tweednous Soul Of Gold + Cheramigold Roxana) Ch1 and BB2 and
Cheramigold kennel 3
Thank you everyone who helped and biggest thanks to great judge Katherina Savage from Irland
and for the photos Merike Kalle!
13.08.23. Ametlikul Working Testil BaltRetCamp : Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine startis seekord oma esimesel ametlikul WT Testil ja lópetasime I járguga
Minu váike tubli Cava!
Suured tánud korraldajatele, toredatele kohtunikele Anja Móller ja Frank Hermansen ja meie kannatlikule ja alati toetavale treenerile Külli Laur!
6.08.23. Luunja, Eesti
Cheramigold Sunshine (Tweednous Soul Of Gold + Cheramigold Roxana) 8/9 rühma náitusel Lu táiskasvanute sert ja nüüdsest EST CH! Kohtunik Leedust, Viktoras Avdusko
aitähh pildi eest Merike Kalle!
5.08.23. Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine oma esimese debüüdi mitteametlikul tóókatsel algklassis ja olen temaga vága rahul:) Meie nárvid pidasid kenasti vastu ja saavutasime 5.koha 24 startinud koerast:) Suurimad tánud nagu ikka meie treenerile Külli Laur:)
17.06.23 Eesti Retriiverite Tasemekatse meistrivóistluste tulemused :
Cheramigold Russel Alg klassi III járk
Cheramigold Sunshine Junior klassi I
Suur tänu korraldajatele, sponsoritele, kohtunik Pasi Majuri ja kóige suurem tánu meie treenerile Külli Laur!
12.05.23 Cheramigold Sunshine sooritas tóukatse saagiga!!! Suured tänud korraldajatele ja muidugi meie tublile treenerile Külli Laur!
03.09.22 Puhja Winner 22, VIII & IX group speciality show, Estonia
Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion was, open I and best female 2, she like her shows indeed :)
27.08.22 Happy breeder moments: went to eye and hips/elbow check and perfect results for Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion aka Carola AA 00, eyes clear
Cheramigold Sunshine aka Cava AA 00, eyes clear
Cheramigold Sunflower aka Viola AA 00, eyes clear
03.07.22 IMAVERE, Estonia, Intershow
Imavere IDS Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine (Tweednous Soul Of Gold + Cheramigold Roxana) EST Jun CAC = EST JUN CH
Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion ( Slav Trophy Lion's Share + Cheramigold Just Because I Like It) EST CAC
28.05.22. SULBI, Estonia, National Dog Show
Good day at Sulbi NDS, Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine won strong junior female class and was BOB JUN, and got JCAC
Cheramigold Proud Like A Lion won open dog, best male 3 and got CAC
and Cheramigold kennel was BOB breeder and won BIS I in the end!
Eesti Kuldsete Retriiverite Tõuühingu PARIM EMANE2 on Carola - Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion
kennel Cheramigold Parim Kasvataja 3
What a great surprise from Estonian Golden Club:) Even we did not have much time last year to spend on dog shows, Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion still was top female 2
and kennel Cheramigold best breeder 3
08.01.- 09.01.22
First shows done on 2022: Cava aka Cheramigold Sunshine (Tweednous Soul Of Gold + Cheramigold Roxana) had her very first baby class shows at Tartu, first day she was baby girl 2 with very promising and today BOB baby, shortlisted at 6 on baby BIS.
Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion (SlavTrophy Lion's Share + Cheramigold Just Because I like It) first day INT/1, BF 3, second day INT/1, BF2
12.12.21 - 3. Advendi trennipäev Russel, Uku ja Cava:
What a great weekend:) After long time we spent at forest work we had time to visit a dog show. And great result from Tartu 2 days IND:
Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion aka Carola( Slav Trophy Lion's Share + Cheramigold Just Because I Like It) 06.11.21 BF 2 and CACIB,
07.11.21 BF 1, BOS, CACIB. Many thanks to judges Kalvo Kriisk and Jeff Horswell!
Üks imetore nádalavahetus on seljataga. Sel kevadel sai tehtud otsus, et suundume Russeliga (Cheramigold Russel) tóómaailma káppa proovima. Sel nádalavahetusel olid selle aasta viimased vóistlused.
Ametlikul WT saime küll kaks 0, aga ohtralt kogemusi ja oskusi parema tiimina edasi minna:)
Mitteametlikult team WT-l ónnestus olla kolmandad, mille üle on hea meel.
Suured tánud korraldajatele, see ikka suur suur tóó ja muidugi meie suurepárasele treenerile Külli Laur ilma Sinuta me seda poleks suutnud!
Aitäh Tatjana Zamorskaja jäädvustamast!
Today Russel and me got our very first official result from retriever cold game test:) Was really interesting week-end and now only to move on! Our biggest thanks going to Külli Laur, our best coach who always support to us and gives us strengt to go on.
08.08.21 Luunja Rahvuslik näitus, Eesti, kohtunik Vera Smirnova
11.06.21 Minu kasvandik Cheramigold Cha Cha Cha 7 kuune
30.05.2021 Sulbi Rahvuslik Näitus, kohtunik/judge: Kalvo Kriisk
Well, after long break we had a great show weekend:
Russel aka Cheramigold Russel could confirm his EST CH
Rocco aka Cheramicold Proud Like A Lion got 2 x EST Jun CAC and can confirm EST JUN CH
Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion got EST Jun CAC and was BOB Jun and BOB
Both days we been BOB breeder
Thank you everbody to been supporting us:)
Russel Rocco and Carola
Wonderful day at Saare járve, Estonia, retriever test with cold game, Cheramigold Russel past his test and we both so happy :) Big thanks for organize team to do such a good work! And most important, our couch Külli Laur, who never let us give up :)
Carola aka Cheramigold Smile Like A Lion ( Slav Trophy Lion's Share + Cheramigold Just Because I Like It) got BIS baby at retriever speciality show in Tallinn, Estonia
17.10.20 Ellamaa
Russel aka Cheramigold Russel passed field trial with dummy's.
Russel sooritas tõukatse dummydega!
30.08. 20 Haapsalu Rahvuslik Koertenäitus:
Russel aka Cheramigold Russel( Thornywait Rossini + Siimline's Snowflake In The Sand) at Haapsalu NDS 29.08 int cl ex/1 BM 3, 30.08 int cl ex/1 BM 2
Emma aka Cheramigold Dancing Queen ( Kuya De Mare Dantes + Zenevieva Queen's Command) today at Haapsalu NDS BOB jun, Est Jun CAC and finished her Est Jun Ch
18.07..20 Tartu
Nice show in Tartu, Aspen aka Cheramigold Dancing Under Moonlight ( Kyu De Mare Dantes + Zenevieva Queens Command) Est Jun Cac, BOS jun, Best Male 2
Cheramigold Russel AA 00 Eyes clear
Cheramigold Roxana AA 00 Eyes clear
Cheramigold Rosanna At Siimline AA 00 Eyes clear
( Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand)
23.02.20 Panevezys NDS, judge Valentina Stiklius, LT
Russel aka Cheramigold Russel won juniors, BOB Jun, Russel can confirm his EST, LV, LT and BALT JCH now!
and his sister Roxy aka Cheramigold Roxana was BOS jun. And so many thanks again to Brit-Hell Ruus to show Roxy so well :)
22.02.20 Panevezys NDS, judge Larisa Ivanova RUS
Shakira aka Cheramigold Rosanna At Siimline ( Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) won juniors, LT JCAC, BOB Jun, BOS.
With that she finished her EST, LV, LT and BALT JCH!
Biggest thanks to Brit-Hell Ruus for showing Shakira so well:)
15.02.2020 Golden Speciality Show, Estonia, Tallinn, judge Alistair Scott, kennel Largymore, UK
Well what a day for me and for Aspen aka Cheramigold Dancing Under Moonlight ( Kyu De Mary Dantes + Zenevieva Dancing Queen), on his very first show in Golden Speciality Show he won BOB baby and was BIS 1 baby!!!
12.01.2020 Tartu National Dog Show
Cheramigold Russel (Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) EST J CAC, BM3, we can confirm his EST and LV JCH now
2 0 1 9
01.12.19 Pärnu National Dog Show
Cheramigold Russel (Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) was good boy again and won next EST J CAC, BOS Jun, Best Male 4
30.11.19 Pärnu National Dog Show, judge Nikolina Davidovska, Bulgaria
Russel aka Cheramigold Russel ( Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) made on his 1 year bday gift for me and won BOB junior, EST Jun CAC, best male 2 :)
His sister Cheramigold Roxana was ex/3
and next bday girl Hazel aka Cheramigold Promised You A Miracle ( Zenevieva Picasso + Guldfynd’s Janet) was BOS puppy
07.09.19 Ventspils, Latvian National Dog Show, judge Momčilo Milič (ME)
Nice start at junior class:)
Cheramigold Russel (Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) at Venspils NDS LV Jun CAC, BM 1, BOB
And top of it his sister Cheramigold Rosanna at Siimline LV jun CAC, BF 2
and half sister Cheramigold Just Because I Like It aka Carmen LV CAC, BF 1, BOS
My lovely boy Russel 07.09.19
Tallinn, Estonia National DS, judge Saija Juutilainen (Finland)
Cheramigold Roxana EST Jun CAC BOS jun BOS
17.08.19 INT Show, Tallinn, Estonia
Today was Carmen day:) Cheramigold Just Because I Like It ( Zenevieva Picasso + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) open cl ex/1, EST CAC, CACIB
16.08.2019 Kuldsete 20. aasta Juubeli Erinäitus, Luigel, Eesti / Great day at Estonian Golden Club 20 y anniversary show where Cheramigold Russel (Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) was BOS puppy
20.-21.07.17 Elva, Estonia
Had nice show weekend together with great company, Cheramigold Russel was BOB puppy both days in Elva NDG, little happy boy who makes me happy :)
Great Sunday behind with more great results Pärnu IDS second day, Cheramigold Russel and Cheramigold Rosanna At Siimline BOB and BOS puppies, Russel was shortlisted to 6 in Puppy BIS, Zenevieva Picasso CACIB
06.07.19 Pärnu INT Show, Estonia
Brother Cheramigold Russel and sister Cheramigold Rosanna At Siimline (Thornywait Rossini + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) BOB and BOS puppies today at Pärnu
European Dog Show 2019 14-16 Juine 2019 Wels Austria
Russel ( Cheramigold Russel) enjoyed his time in Austria:) Today puppy cl ex/3 with very promising
09.12.18 Tallinn, Estonia, GALA-SHOW
ZENEVIEVA PICASSO aka Caspar Aasta Koer 2018 (kõikide tõugude) arvestuses 4.-5. koht järglasteklassis/ ZENEVIEVA PICASSO aka Caspar 4th-5th place in progeny class (of all Breeds) at Estonian Kennel Club competition Dog of Year 2018.
10.11.18 Riga Winner 18, Latvia
Little Isabel aka Zenevieva Queens Command Riga’s Junior Winner 18! Crufts qualification!
3.11.18 Tartu, Estonia
Wonderful day at Tartu INT show, Lenne aka Cheramigold Just Because I Saw It BOB Jun and BOS, she got her last needed EST JCAC and became EST & LV Jun Ch; Teddy aka Ipcress Fly Me To The Moon Siimline Vet CAC and BOB Vet
15.-16.09.2018 Targu Mures, Romania
What a weekend we had in Rumenia 15-16.09.18, was hard and long trip but now all behind and all good emotions coming up:) Isabel aka Zenevieva Queens Command 6 x JCAC, 5 x BOB Jun, 5 x BOS, Crufts Qualification. Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso 6 x CAC, 5 x BOB, 2 x CACIB, Crufts Qualification, Group 8 Winner!
25.08.2018 National Dog Show
Wonderful day at Haapsalu show: Isabel aka Zenevieva Queens Command won junior BOB and was BOB under Frank Kane from UK! Cherry on cake she was group 3 and shortlisted in junior BIS! So happy!
18.08.18 Retrievers Speciality Show,Tallinn, judge Judit Beke
Great day at retriever speciality, little Isabel aka Zenevieva Queens Command won junior class, EST jun CAC, BOS jun and best female 2, Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso won Ch class and was best male2 and finally Caspar showed his kids and was BIS 1 progeny class
19.08.18 Baltic Winner 18 judge Sven Slettedal, Norway
Zenevieva Picasso aka Caspar BM2 R CACIB=CACIB
Great end of the Baltic Winner show, Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso BIS I progeny class:) many thanks to judge Walter Jungblut!
05.08.18 Today in Tartu 8&9 gruop show Carmen aka Cheramigold Just Because I Like It (Zenevieva Picasso + Siimline’s Snowflake In The Sand) Jun CAC, BOS Jun, with that she finished her Baltic Jun CH title in 12 m age!
22.-23.07.18 Girls did well this weekend and Elva dog show:) Carmen aka Cheramigold Just Because I Like It BOS Junior, Best Female 2, EST JCAC, Isabel aka Zenevieva Queens Command Jun ex/2
14.-15.07.18 Latvia, Ogre
Carmen aka Cheramigold Just Because I Like It got 2xLV JUN CAC and at Goldens Speciality was BOB JUN, BF2
30.06.-1.07.18 group show, Tartu, Estonia - My sweet Carmen aka Cheramigold Just Because I Like It was ex 1/8 jun, BOS jun, best female and BOS , perfectly showed by Kerttu Kethly Rumask!
Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso showed proudly his progeny class as BIS 1, thank you all :)
23.-24.06.2018 What a weekend in Lithuania! First day Zenevieva Queen Command - Isabel got LTU jun CAC, second day Carmen aka Cheramigold Just Because I Like it LTU Jun CAC and BOS jun and her half brother Sass aka Wildgoldenaryat Bright Minds LTU Jun CAC and BOB Jun!
And cherry of cake was BIS I breeder class for Cheramigold!
03.06.2018 Estonian Winner 2018, 80 goldens
Judge Carina Ostman(Sweden) , Zenevieva Picasso aka Caspar CH3, PI 3 - also he was happy to present his children in progeny class and we ended BIS III progeny!
Zenevieva Queen Command - Isabel BOB Puppy
28.04.2018 Leedu/Lithuania, Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso BOB and finished his Baltic CH title:) judge Malgorzata Supronowicz, Poland
15.04.2018 Tallinn Winner 18 Great day!
Caspar son Cheramigold Just Because I Want aka McGregor BOB puppy and little Isabel aka Zenevieva Queen Command BOS puppy:)
18.03.2018 Narva INT Dog Show, Estonia, judge La Rocca Fabrizio, Italy
Great day in Narva INT show, Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso BOB, CACIB, group III
Here is my sweet boy:
17.02.18 Valmiera, Latvia, judge: Miroslav Zidarv, Slovenia
Cheramigold Just Because I Like It aka Carmen, PP, BOB PUPPY
Zenevieva Picasso aka Caspar: LV CAC, BOS at Valmiera show, Caspar can add LV and EST CH in his titles:)
10.02.18 Golden Retrievers Main Speciality Show in Estonia, Tallinn, judges: Jean Griggs, Anne Falconer
Cheramigold Just Because I Like It aka Carmen and brother McGregor - Cheramigold Just Because I Want enjoyed themselves first time in puppy class in golden speciality:
Zenevieva Picasso :
13.-14.01.18 Tartu, Estonia INT Dog Show, judge: Tania Edwards, South Africa & Davor Javor, Croatia
Zenevieva Picasso Champion cl exc1, EST CAC, BOS
Zenevieva Picasso Champion cl exc1, BD2
13.-14.01.18 Cheramigold Just Because I Like It aka Carmen her first shows: 2 x BOB Baby
Thanks Merike for the pictures!
25.-26.11.17 Montenegro, Podgorica 2XCACIB INT Dog Show Zenevieva Picasso 2x CAC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOB, Crufts qualified, He gots 5 ch titles: MNE CH MNE Grand CH Adrian CH Medit CH Balkan CH
So happy!
4.11.17 Tartu INT Cheramigold Heavenly Gift aka Gabriel ( Floprym New To Me + Guldfynd’s Janet) intermediate ex/1, CAC, best male 2, reserv CACIB, judge Grzegor Weron, Poland
21.-22.10.17 Rakvere, National Dog Show
Gabriel aka Cheramigold Heavenly Gift 2 x EST CAC
1.10.17 Riga, International Dog Show
Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso got his 2. LV CAC
ad Caspar's son Wildgoldenaryat Bright Minds BOB baby at age 4 month
10.09.17 Ventspils, Latvia
Nice day in Ventspils!Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso got his first LV CAC and Vilma aka Siimline's Fly Myself Free got last needed LV CAC and became EST, LV, LT and Baltic CH!
27.-29.07.17 Zenevieva Picasso aka Caspar 3x CAC in Split, Croatia
27.-29.07.17. Siimline's Theodor aka Oskar brand new Croatian Veteran CH
10.06.17 Riia, LÄTI VÕITJA 2017, RV näitus, kohtunik Ozan Belkis/RIGA, Latvian Winner 2017, judge Ozan Belkis
Oskar - Siimline's Theodor võitis Läti Veteran Võitja 17 tiitli/ Oskar win LV VETW17 title!
04.06.17 Tallinn, Estonia ESTONIAN WINNER'17, kohtunik Jeff Verres, Belgia
- Oskar ehk Siimline's Theodor võitis Veteran Võitja 17 tiitli ja oli VSP Veteran
Veteran Winner17 and Bos Veteran for Oskar aka Siimline's Theodor
So proud and happy!
28.05.2017 Moletai, Liethua INT Dog Show, judge Bertil Lundgren, Sweden
Gabriel aka Cheramigold Heavenly Gift võitis juuniorklassi (LT JCAC) /won jun class - got LT JCAC
Zenevieva Picasso oli noorteklassi 2. /2-place in interm. class and got RES.CACIB
26.05.2017 Moletai, Liethua Retrievers Speciality, judge Hans Rosenberg
Greenhill's Finest Jewel LT VET CAC, VET BIS4, Fiona is now BALT VET CH
Thank you alexdisign.lv for the lovely photo :)
11.03.2017 CRUFTS, Birmingham, England
Zenevieva Picasso oma elu esimesel "rohelise vaiba" näitusel, tulemus - lihtsalt suurepärane - JUUNIORKLASSI 4. (23)
First competition on green carpet! Our dear Caspar aka Zenevieva Picasso 4th in junior class (23) - thank you judge: Mr. KAW YOUNG, thank you breeders - Kerrie & Katie Kelly
I'm so proud and happy :) and i love my Caspar!
18.-19.02.2017 LATVIA, VALMIERA
Greenhill's Finest Jewel - Fiona on nüüd EST & LV VET CH/Fiona is now Latvian Vet CH
Gabriel aka Cheramigold Heavenly Gift - LV JUN CAC
12.01.2017 Zenevieva Picasso - puusad ja küünrad : AB 00
Caspar's hips & elbows AB 00
08.01.2017 Tartu Rahvuslik Näitus - Gabriel aka Cheramigold Heavenly Gift ( Floprym New To Me + Guldfynd's Janet ) EST JUN CAC, BOS JUN, BM 2
2 0 1 6
18.12.16 Mia aka Greenhill's Listen To Your Heart showed in Lithuania - she can do it and was BOS junior with LTU Jun CAC at Vilnius Int Show! Now she can confirm her Baltic Jun Ch title!
10. - 11.12.16 Zenevieva Picasso - Helsinki Winner 2016, Finland -Caspar had FIN JW'16 title.
I'am so proud and happy!
04.12.16. Zenevieva Picasso - Liepaja, Caspar is now Latvia EST LV LTU BALT JCH Group2
So, so happy for him!
03.12.16. Zenevieva Picasso - Liepaja, Latvia LV JCAC BOB Group2
22.11.16 Zenevieva Picasso & Siimline Snowflake In The Sand - silmad puhtad/eyes clear